

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Keepin it Simple - Week #81

Konnichiwa minasan!

Well I don`t really know what to write...I was hoping I would have some profound thoughts for all of you but it turns out I just have a lot of jumbled thoughts, emotions, and memories. So yeah.

Well this week has been much like other ones on the mission which is a good thing I think. We went out and talked to people, we had some lessons with the recent converts, Shimoda Shimai and Maeda Shimai. We talked a lot about Christmas this week and I love it because I really feel like I am fulfilling my purpose as a missionary when I get to straight up testify about Jesus Christ and who He is. We have to keep it pretty simple because a lot of people don`t know who He is, or know nothing except Christmas is His birthday or something. But I`ve found that simple is always more powerful.

So I will simply share my testimony. I`ve realized on my mission that I don`t know a lot of things. And I`ve been asked questions that I don`t know the answer to. But when it comes to that point I can always simply bear testimony. I know God is there. I know He lives and loves me. I am His daughter. I make a lot of mistakes, like everyday. I have a lot of weaknesses. But Heavenly Father knows that. So He sent His Son, Jesus Christ to this earth to live as the perfect example, the perfect person, who would experience all of our mistakes and weaknesses, pains and sufferings, but He would overcome them. He would bear them for us. Because He loves us. So when the time comes that we feel like we can`t do it on our own, He is there to help us. We can change. That is the power of the Atonement. And the way we continue to change and become happier and happier is faith, repentance, baptism, the Gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end. That is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We are not alone. And we can share this with friends, family, and people we have just met. That is the "good news" that I have been trying to share with everyone for the past year and a half. And that is what I have learned for myself over the past year and a half. 

They say that a mission is like a mini life. And I am here to testify that is SO true. I am a grandma right now with all my aches and pains, and I`m a little bit senile I think. But I`m happy to say that I endured to the end! I have finished the work I was called to do. (Pretend this email is actually dated on Thursday).

So here goes the whole Enduring to the End Part 2: After Mission Life. I`ve heard lots of stories about it. It sounds kind of scary if you ask me. But I guess from here on out you can just ask me in person:) Unless you live in Japan:(

Have a great week!

Malone Shimai
                                                 My last P-day - We went to Shuri Castle

                                           Kasamatsu, Bearman, Lowe & Me

                                                 Inside Shuri Castle

                                      Merry Christmas from Naha Okinawa

                                     Okinawa is so pretty - I'm going to miss it!

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